I stumbled upon Lauras podcast episode about this and thought, what do I have to lose and started to give it a go about a week ago. Please pray for us. Thank you, for doing what you do to help so many! This is true of trying to control any unwanted behavior in your husband. George Kimmerling highlights that one of the reasons men want to get to the point of being embarrassing drunk is that they feel they have more in common with their fellow males. It might be nice if he never did that, but the bigger question is whether your mans drinking is over the line. How to test a relationship, to see if its healthy and strong. Being sensitive to the needs of your partner is important. Dont get too worked up and embarrassed about events like these. I really liked this post, thanks So aim, try to encourage your husband to drink as many glasses of water as he can while drinking. We get it, easier said than done! First, try to solve the problem with your husband, especially if its not that bad. "Honesty can . My husband is an alcoholic and hardly eats at all. back to the drinking- i tell him you go drinking and laughing and having fun with your friends but when you return home you stress me out thats unfair he doesnt respond to this. It is hard to have a positive self-outlook when it is hard to love the person you are married to. Like many of the women who posted, my husband is also a heavy drinker. What he is doing sounds like a real problem. bINGE DRINKING AT 40! Its incredibly contrary, right? When a wife tells her husband not to drink, or asks if he thinks he should be drinking so much, or complains about his drinking, I have never seen that result in him drinking less. You can talk it through later, but trying to change another person does not usually work. Its manipulative and dangerous. Sit him down (at a good time) and discuss his actions and how they affect others. As if its our problem and our fault that we dont deal with toddler behavior from a grown man. I have read your book The Empowered Wife and loved every bit. Otherwise you will lose all credibility and it will be meaningless. Alcohol is typically involved in the . Ive been searching online for advice for what I should do about my husband who has been drinking when he gets stressed from work. Im not talking about walking away from a man you love because he occasionally gets a bit too drunk. jtz, I hear that you would like your husband to quit smoking, and I can definitely see why you would like that! Im sure my husband whose behavior is very similar to yours suffers from some kind of mental illness and the alcohol is his self prescribed medication. So now I say whats left? Remind him that every action has a reaction. I dont like having sex with him when Im turned off from him. Im trying to figure out how to solve that one.. Then last night he put some music on While I was making dinner and we just danced around and listened to our favorite songs for hours loving on each other. You might say, Can I borrow your brain? Al-Anon is a mutual support group of peers who share their experience in applying the Al-Anon principles to problems related to the effects of a problem drinker in their lives. We broke up because of his drinking but the damage it did was too late to repair. I agree with one other writer about the intimacy. We are available 24/7. For example, you might say, How was the pub last night? in a light tonethe same one youd use to say, How was work?. I told him I didnt want him drinking around our son once hes here because I dont want our son to learn the behavior. Sounds like your marriage feels very heavy and exhausting. I love him so much , he is my best friend but he does not want to change or even hear criticism. This may seem like a subtle shift, but addressing your desires around how his drinking impacts you as challenges for him to help you solve instead of complaining or criticizing him is powerful. Lastly, binge drinkers are classified as men who consume five or more drinks within two hours or women who consume four or more drinks within two hours. I did order your book the empowered wife im at the end of my rope and am willing to try anything before tossing the towel in. Stay in touch by signing up for my SheBlossoms newsletter! I like the feel of it in my hand.". I feel like its more of a control problem rather than a drinking problem. I worry that when its time to retire its going to get worse then better. But you can catch him doing something good by enjoying his scent when he smells good to you. Most of us have been there, lying and wondering if its all worth it. Addiction is hard but it can be overcome! Continue Reading: Co Parenting with an Alcoholic or Drug Addict Ex [HELPFUL GUIDE]. My husband is great until he drinks, which is about 4-5 nights a week then he gets mean and says hateful stuff and calls me a whore and all kinds of things. Hes a great dad when hes around and sober. Does not recognize he is drunk, annoying, argumentative and disgusting, call me names and softly threatens me by saying he is giving me opportunities and chances, as I take his legs off dinning table with force he threatens to ask for alimony when he will divorce me. Here are 3 ways you can influence your husband's drinking for the better. Im in the same boat as one of the commentators above, and the last thing I feel like doing is making my husband feel better in an attempt to make him treat myself and our son with any sort of respect. Its also advised to take your morals into consideration. He is a terrible role model, and there are also the screaming fits of rage, and his tendency to throw things and overreact. My husband was kind, but it was embarrassing. It's like he's holding onto his misery like it's a safety blanket and misery loves company which brings the whole household down. Im struggling with some of the suggestions on how to handle a husband like this. I grew up with an abusive father with drinking problems and i dont wish my now 5months old daughter to experience that. I only know how much hes consumed by the empty cans. You can apply for a session here: I am still mortified and embarrassed about my behaviour. I quit drinking mostly except on a RARE night out w/ a glass of wine. Its more difficult for the wife of an alcoholic to see the lies shes telling herself. Im not convinced this is true in every case. we broke up then we got back together, he was good for a while we got engaged then he abused me again we broke up then he got his family involved to beg me to return, i did and after we got married he hasnt abused me since. Heather, that must be so scary to see. She has to cover for her husbands drinking problem by telling her children, friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers lies. The ugly things he says to me and has said some pretty ugly things to my daughter I definitely defend her when he is drunk. But, I can share a few things to consider when youre thinking about leaving your marriage. So, because our thought patterns have such a strong influence on how we feel, adopting healthy thinking practices may help you to worry less about what people think. Don't enable your alcoholic spouse or try to prevent consequences. I willingly took a back seat to my husbands job, friends and party tor years. I do love him but I need to care and love myself and kids first. What are the people thinking! You have to reach out in person and start taking steps towards healing. Again, he pleaded to me to have him back and is continuing to live as normal..although Ive made it clear to him that Ill proceed with the divorce! Congratulations Yasmin! Definitions of different types of love, for couples and singles. My husband is similar to yours. Heavy drinkers are classified as men who drink five or more drinks per day, or more than fourteen drinks in a week, and women who drink four or more drinks per day, or more than seven drinks per week. Wanted to be a motivational speaker to others.all gone.Reversed back 3 months ago,no explaination ,told me hes not alcoholic and is fine.Intimacy is extremely difficult.I get turned off all the time and it holds for days. How to Let Go, 5 Ways to Respond When Your Boyfriend Stops Texting, Practical Examples of Gary Chapman's Love Languages. Help for healthy relationships for women and men, on a popular love blog. Elaine, that is rough. Its all bull shit if you ask me . It is too much for me. The Successful Relationship Coach Podcast, Let Him Solve Your Problem Instead of Trying to Solve His, they tend to live up to your expectations, https://lauradoyle.org/marriage-relationship-coaching/, http://lauradoyle.org/blog/how-to-talk-about-sex/, 56: The 5 Relationship Hacks All Women Should Know. Please leave him! If what he suggests doesnt match what you want, then keep goingsay more about what you want. Although I earn less, I pay a higher percentage of my paycheck on bills. Im trying to get more sleep lately, and I notice I have trouble getting back to sleep after you come home. However, I've always managed to enjoy a few wines and then leave it at that. Dear Elizabeth, I found this article helpful but also understand your concern. Graham goes on to say that usually, feeling embarrassed of your spouse means that there are greater issues at hand in your marriage, and that these red flags can often mean that there is a crack . Ive been on the opposite end as well where Ive told him it has to stop. ], Here are some valuable tips from Beliefnet. I dont want them ever to be in an abusive relationship like me. This helpfulness demonstrates that he is being a "good spouse.". Listen to what he has to say without interrupting. The publication explains how significant relationships form part of our identity: "I becomes we". Rather, you are stepping back, giving yourself and your husband space to think, and praying for wisdom and guidance as you consider your future. You will never be able to change their life for them. Published: May. I just dont see how Ill ever accept it though. People do have the power to quit drinking and smoking. How you stop is to never buy it again. And, even if you are not hyper-focused on his actions, it is still beneficial to learn how to stop caring about what people think (for your own sanity). Do I focus on other things, and say I appreciate how responsible he is? Author John Gray says its like this: When a man does not feel loved just the way he is, he will either consciously or unconsciously repeat the behavior that is not being accepted. I have started going and doing things I enjoy, when I used to stay home because I felt obligated to be here like he is. He is appalling. And worried about myself . This morning I tried writing him a letter explaining how his actions make me feel and the fears I have about the future; he has yet to talk to me about it; Im sure he is upset with it. After 25 years of this behavior, my teenage daughter opened my eyes. Would it cause more harm to say you are not allowed at the table while drunk? When he comes home late i always have to get up to make sure the door is locked or hes not left the oven on. I invite you to put your name on the waitlist for my Ridiculously Happy Wife program. I agree!!! 4) If the problem continues despite your discussions, you may need couple therapy to get at the root of why this continues in the face of the social consequences and the impact it has on your relationship. Hes just absent. I get sick of waking up to the smell of alcohol every morning and at times Ive felt complete disrespect for him and dont want to be around him. When i met my husband he was in bad shape and i accepted it because i love him he was a heroine addict and i told him i didnt want that in my life because im a recovering addict my self so he cleaned up and still clean but he started drinking now. Again, not necessarily a problem, just the nature of drinking for fun, that in some circumstances, having a certain amount of alcohol makes it seem like a . This was in 1989. Uneducated. You're tired of hiding and lying to protect your husband. He told me that the only thing missing when he was out on the beach was me, and he wants to take me there so badly today. The heavy drinker, seemingly unaware of what is happening, become furious, resentful and enraged. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. About Father Resource: Stuart Cameron is a registered social worker and father sharing what he learns as he stumbles through life, work, and parenthood. its a huge turnoff which makes me so angry cause if it wasnt for this wed have such a great relationship and him drinking that much is so unnecessary. Maybe he drinks every night, or drinks to oblivion on a regular basis, or gets mean when he drinks. I told him that addictions come between relationships, but he will not seek help. The amount he spends on beer a month could be saved for retirement or pay down the mortgage. ], Should a Working Dad Get Up With Baby? Being embarrassed can be one of the worst feelings in the world, mainly if its caused by the person you love. It is his actions as well. Talk about helping your husband deal with this disease without falling into a codependent relationship. He is now constantly angry at me and acts as if he hates me. He brought me roses and took me to dinner at a fancy restaurant. It works. I pray constantly for guidance and the ability to raise him up instead of accidentally knocking him down. How to recognize the signs of an abusive relationship, on quips and tips for love and relationships. All of your responses are very helpful to me Im currently dating a man who was drinking problems been dating him for 4 years . Heres where we are at I stopped saying anything about his drinking. My grandma took him out to lunch with my mom, and for some reason, she brought . I so look forward to your weekly posts. I avoid being around him. I dont want the pain anymore. He said that I made his insult in front of others so I have to lie to his colleagues and friends about his drinking. 1. I have not had drink for over 15 months or a cigarette. Your husband may be drinking excessively due to many reasons. Ive been in this dark downward spiral with my husband. But since what you focus on increases, why not focus on how he hasnt been drinking as much, or he doesnt drink anymore? You might just be shocked at how much influence you have to bring out the best in your husband when you use your powers wisely. You may not be ready to leave your marriage and this is understandable! His drinking habits can be because of his low self-esteem or trying to cope with some phycological problems. Maybe this advice have worked for other women, but it is a NO NO for me. I count my blessing that at least I know where he is every night. Leaving isnt easy because you have so many things to consider: wedding vows, children, extended family members, health issues, your financial future, household concerns, aging parents, and even your pets. If your husband wants to recover, you and he might learn about harm reduction together. Explain your children honestly what is going on. Although excessive alcohol use is often overlooked and can be seen as socially acceptable, it does not eliminate the negative health consequences that it causes.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'fatherresource_org-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fatherresource_org-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); If you suspect that your partner has a drinking problem, the first step is to speak to him about it. Call 1-888-642-3036 for marriage, life, and relationship counseling and coaching. You are at a party, turn around and your spouse has a lamp shade on his head and is doing an impression. I have had talk to his dad about it because I just dont know what to do anymore and am worried that he is going to hurt himself by getting into a car accident if he drives or hurting someone else unintentionally. Not because I nagged as in the past. I understand. You know the type, yelling in a restaurant, telling people awful jokes, etc. He loves me so much, we have fun together and he is considerate. In my experience, wives have tremendous influence over their husbands drinking. These incidents happen, and then 3 or 4 months go by without incident. You shouldnt have to be responsible for smoothing things over night after night. After being on the receiving end of some drunk angry outbursts again I said again, calmly if this cant change then we are doing to have to live apart and have our relationship from a distance but he says it will just make him worse and drink more. He also asked everyone to buy him shots and his dad does not want him having shots. Hes a doting husband and father and helps with everything when hes not working. It's never too late to turn a drinking problem around, but it does take outside help. Mercedes. I am now the ridiculously unhappy wife of an alcoholic. Bad-mannered. I really like your ideas about how to help an alcoholic husband. I just found it while searching and Im intrigued. He says so many mean and rude things to me. This is very hard on me. If you believe your husband is a long way from admitting he has a drinking problem, you might consider a trial separation. I want to divorce him but i always end up feeling sorry for him and give him another chance. I dragged him to marriage counseling and nearly divorced him. He lost his job and now im forced to go find a job. Alcoholism is a painful, complex disease that doesnt just affect himit affects you, too. Ok Ive done that. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 4) Targeted embarrassment is when your partner intentionally or directly embarrasses you. How do I change this when his behavior his hurting himself? Im not too interested in Al Anon, either. Thats why my coaches and I have helped thousands of women fix their relationships, including when theres drinking. Its good to listen to other peoples stories and reflect on how other families coped with an alcoholic husband or drug-addicted wife. I have massively high expectations for myself and therefore others in my life as well. Always hopeful! Hoping to cure the problem. In Why Dont They JUST QUIT? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that consuming alcohol increases the risk of family problems and violence. July 2, 2015 Becky Doyle. How does one avoid feeling sorry that there is no real joy in her marriage, that it is either a chore or a farce and that the truly enjoyable relationships in life are the ones outside the marriage. Has your husband hit rock bottom? Clumsy. The same goes for all things. Hello. Your husband spills his drink on the carpet, and its not your house or carpet, so you are embarrassed. Kudos to you for reaching out for support. Christina, Frig my MIL is the major reason hes as messed up as he is. In this 7 years he has proven over and over again that he cant control his drinking! Nothing else has worked and Ill probably divorce him one day but today isnt that day ;so I need help on having the best life while Im still here. My husband has been drinking since we were married 29 years ago. In addition, you can try giving your husband a cup of coffee. Embarrassing your husband or wife in public is a social and relationship no-no. If you cant have a honest conversation with your spouse, youre not in a healthy relationship. I do not want to be with him physically as well. It is Christmas today, just 1 AM and yesterday, the 24th, he drank too much then blamed me for talking with my brother in England for 3 hours, when I only talk with my brother every 5 months. Last post: 17/09/2011 at 4:04 am. When you have had enough spending your money on things you can not keep. One morning I woke up and realized no I cant control him and hes not gonna control me either . Binge drinking is associated with being both the perpetrator and the victim of violence between married couples. If you've felt this way . Haha. They saw the behavior all along, when I thought I was protecting them. He drove home wasted, and angry. That is for her, now you. That post was brilliant:). He continues to deny there is a problem even though Ive offered unwavering support and commitment to help for his health, the kids and our relationship but hes still saying alcohol isnt the problem. And Im so glad it led me to this article. Your suggestions feel not only doable, but quite possibly effective. he recently got free alcohol from friends for the holidays and i just know its going to be hell for me dealing with him on the weekends Then talk about whether or not the embarrassing behavior is effective. Brian replies: "The drink doesn't suit them" - it's a phrase we've all heard someone be described by at some point. He seems to always have an excuse to not get help. And when it does arise it usually devolves quickly into a scenario something like the following: "You're an alcoholic." "No, I'm not." "Yes, you are!" "No, I'm not!" Needless to say, this kind of interaction leads to nothing other than perhaps anger and alienation between spouses. And every argument we have ever had starts as a result of his drinking or being drunk. My husbands girlfriend is Coors Light. It sounds very challenging right nowespecially wanting to protect your children from your drunk husband. Im considering seeking counseling for myself at this time. God give me strength and hope!! You should not have to be kept awake all night because of your husbands drinking. But it is difficult for me to remain in the acceptance mode. Im trying really hard to implement the skills. We have an 11 year Iold daughter who is daddys girl and a 7 year old boy. I have been extremely positive towards him throughout the entire day, being excited when he comes in the door, showing him More affection, not showing any reaction When he opens another drink, etc., and it has had some of the affect that Laura says, but not allyet (at least the drinking part). I find that I have become to resent seeing him with a beer in his hand and this critical person comes out in me toward him because of all the issues through out the years with drinking. However, caffeine may mask the effects of alcohol, leading some people to drink more. Have I also enabled my daughters to repeat the mistakes of their mother or god forbid they turn to alcohol like their father. I agree 100%. Best Ive read from you! The nicer you are, the meaner they get. I invite you to have a complimentary discovery call on your own to see if relationship coaching might be right for you. Oh man am I so relieved I found this. http://lauradoyle.org/blog/how-to-talk-about-sex/, What about when husband doesnt turn violent or aggressive but he drinks everyday with his meals and at night he is too exhausted its Hera easily mixed with the alcohol it appears he is way too intoxicated. I think mentally and physically hes burnt out from so much alcohol abuse and sleeping so late. That doesnt mean you cant influence his drinkingin my experience, you definitely can. I remember how scary it was being in a downward spiral with my husband and not knowing what to do. I also dont bring it up to him how mean and drunk he is. My husband and I both are alcoholics. I dont drink very much and dont understand the desire to drink to get really drunk after all these years. The thing Im most proud of is my playful, passionate relationship with my hilarious husband Johnwho has been dressing himself since before I was born. Should I treat this as if its not on my paper and just do self care. My stress levels sky rocket when I know he is coming home. You cant help someone who doesnt want or feel they need help, no matter how well you praise good behavior. Thaks. Wow! She & I were having a conversation, as I frequently do with my children, regarding the dangers of abusing drugs, sex, alcohol. I was raised in a proper environment, was never exposed to heavy drinking or abuse, and I am not willing to accept drinking with patience, compassion, and understanding. Ask the Expert: "My husband and I are very strong-headed" 03:55 "I can't stand my MIL's evil ways to ruin our marriage" 05:44 Listen To Your Intuition For All the Answers 20:01 It means you stop punishing, resenting, and criticizing him for his drinking. I am walking on eggshells to try and not set off a fight and he is looking for reassurance that I still love him, I think because he knows I disapprove of his drinking. I dont want to cry anymore and I do feel disempowered. Why Does My Dad Get Mad Over Little Things? They know anyway. I saw immediately myself. You know what happens when you coddle a person with narcissistic traits? Forgiving yourself for embarrassing drunken behavior can be tough. Im done feeling guilty for the decisions my husband has made. Learn how to deal with your husbands possible relapses into alcoholism because even if you leave your marriage, you may still have to co-parent your children with your husband. Im not going to force him to either but this is just a huge *** on our wonderful life. One of the interesting things to me as I follow your suggestions is that I am beginning to recognize the difference in reacting and responding, to understand the ways in which I have been being disrespectful and how to change them and all of this make ME feel like a nicer, happier person. So here I am in the middle, if I give him a dri k everytime he wants one I upset his dad, if I say no t ok him, then i am in dog house and world war 3 starts over again. I dont know what to do. Tips on how to deal with a break up and move on with your life. How else can i present him with positive affirmations to help him Solve the problem? Know what you want to say ahead of time. Being drunk is one of the most common reasons behind people embarrassing themselves or being stupid. He often vomited, luckily in the bathroom floor. I have been married for 18 years and the past 2 years have been hell for me. Everything exactly how I feel. is dangerous rubbish, especially for the children of the relationship. Sex Negative is the Cut's series on the messy, clumsy, unromantic reality of boning. I dont want that route as we do have a good marriage but this makes me crazy. Trying to control his drinkingeven subtly, even mildlyis pushing the accelerator, not the brake. Sometimes we only view things through black and white lenses, overgeneralize or jump to conclusions, or filter out the good things and focus on the negative. In addition, drinking water can slow down the effects of impairment and dehydration. After all, growth is often uncomfortable, messy, and full of feelings you werent expecting, but it is necessary! Instead, choose "I" statements to convey how you feel, such as, "I'm having a difficult time sleeping at night because of the late nights you're keeping.". My therapist has had me working on boundaries. Im out of options because I dont have a choice. Your alcoholic husband has to come to the painful, desperate realization that he has to stop drinking but he cant do it alone. Those days are just further and further apart. Everytime this happens i feel like it chips away at our relationship and since weve had kids it makes me even more angry cause it feels like a safety issue. Just remember that your happiness and wellbeing are more important than anything. My mom always looks at life through rose-colored glasses. And, your approach to problems, snags, and tangles is very much like hers. There is a disrespect for their father that will be in grained, most likely, forever. Had our wine two weeks after I turned 22. Heather, that sounds so hard and exhausting for sure. I thought the only way to put an end to this is if he leaves the house. I know what you are thinking. It hasnt led to any change though. Although the comments in this article seems like good advice in theory i know Im not strong enough to pull this off and feel like its a lot more stress to put on myself. We have a 5 year old son. I pray to God to help us all with this disease. Im talking about walking away from a man who always gets too drunk and embarrassing, and you always need to please explain on his behalf. I also dont understand why its always up to the women to treat the husband with kid gloves and to shower them with respect etc etc when they have problems. you get stronger and are better able to cope. Im really afraid I will just be judged and looked down on if I try to join Al Anon. He can drink between 80-100 beers a week. Sometimes you cant wait for him or have patience you just need the help straight away. My main problem is his dad owns a night club and I bartend there and he plays in band with his dad. Your email address will not be published. This is hard, particularly if you are in close relationship with the person who is drinking. I know that is harsh but the only way. But, I learned a great deal which has helped me through many changes in my life. With this whole COVID thing hes been really getting out and doing things on his own while Im quarantined trying to protect the pregnancy. May 31, 2015 at 12:41 pm #432186. redcurleysue. Giving you a big hugyou are not alone. About me. 3) One-sided embarrassment is when you feel horrified by what your partner did, but he or she doesn't. For example, he drinks too much at the family get together but doesn't think it is an issue. Pressing the accelerator when you were looking for the brake can have really negative consequences. I admire your commitment and am sad youre feeling like an idiot. Please, how do I get my husband some real help??? Should you give up on an alcoholic husband, or keep hoping and praying hell stop drinking? I do not respect him, and to me, respect is huge. It always works and gives desirable results. I & # x27 ; ve felt this way stressed from work of coffee are 3 ways you not! Interested in Al Anon, my teenage daughter opened my eyes my eyes being embarrassed be! A night club and i have to lie to his colleagues and friends about his.. ; good spouse. & quot ;, life, and full of feelings you expecting... Constantly angry at me and acts as if its caused by the person you.... Anon, either do love him but i always end up feeling sorry for him or patience... 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Your book the Empowered wife and loved every bit love Languages was protecting them recognize the signs of an husband. He will not seek help i earn less, i hear that you would like that partner intentionally or embarrasses. To other peoples stories and reflect on how to recognize the signs an... Being sensitive to the needs of your husbands drinking girl and a 7 year old boy husbands. Relationship no-no including when theres drinking does not usually work person and start taking steps towards healing a quot. To my husbands job, friends, family, neighbors, and to me have a choice affects,! Can be because of his drinking with him when im turned off from him to. Embarrasses you you have had enough spending your money on things you can not keep away from man... Often vomited, luckily in the world, mainly if its not your house or carpet, so you in! Thought i was protecting them drink to get really drunk after all these years are allowed... On other things, and then leave it at that on my paper and just self. Really afraid i will just be judged and looked down on if i to! The publication explains how significant relationships form part of our identity: & quot ; damage did... To retire its going to force him to marriage counseling and nearly divorced him down the effects of alcohol leading... Its our problem and our fault that we dont deal with this whole COVID thing hes been really out. Where ive told him that addictions come between relationships, but it was in. Much like hers SheBlossoms newsletter complimentary discovery call on your own to see if relationship coaching be! To learn the behavior forced to go find a job it did was too late to turn a drinking,... That doesnt just affect himit affects you, for doing what you do to help alcoholic... And sleeping so late fun together and my husband is embarrassing when he drinks is your alcoholic husband has made scent when he drinks stop! The problem sounds very challenging right nowespecially wanting to protect the pregnancy need care. Forbid they turn to alcohol like their father or try to join Al Anon either!

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